The October meeting will take place on Tuesday, October 10th at 7.00pm in Dalkeith Library. All Community Council meetings are public meetings and all residents in the Dalkeith area are welcome to attend to observe and contribute as they wish.
September meeting
The September meeting will take place on Tuesday, September 12th at 7.00pm in Dalkeith Library. All Community Council meetings are public meetings and all residents in the Dalkeith area are welcome to attend to observe and contribute as they wish.
August meetng
After a summer break in July, Dalkeith & District Community Council resumes its regular meetings in August. The August meeting will take place on Tuesday, August 8th at 7.00pm in Dalkeith Library. All Community Council meetings are public meetings and all residents in the Dalkeith area are welcome to attend to observe and contribute as they wish.
June meeting
The June meeting of Dalkeith & District Community Council will take place on Tuesday, June 13th at 7.00pm in Dalkeith Library. All Community Council meetings are public meetings and all residents in the Dalkeith area are welcome to attend to observe and contribute if they wish.
May meeting.
April meeting
The April meeting of Dalkeith & District Community Council will take place on Tuesday, April 11th at 7.00pm in Dalkeith Library.
All Community Council meetings are public meetings and all residents in the Dalkeith area are welcome to attend and contribute if they wish..
March Meeting
The March meeting of Dalkeith & District Community Council will take place on Tuesday, March 14th at 7.00pm in Dalkeith Library.
All Community Council meetings are public meetings and all residents in the Dalkeith area are welcome to attend and contribute if they wish..
Bike Marking
Bicycles can sometimes be easy targets for thieves. To try and help prevent this happening to your bike, our local Police Community Team are holding a special Bike Marking Day on Sunday 19th February from 10.00am to 1.30pm. Just bring your bike along; it will be marked with a unique number which is held on a register so that should it be found after being stolen it can be returned to its owner. It will also be extremely useful to bring a smart phone as well so that registration can be done there and then online. The location for this is the foyer of Morrison’s supermarket, Eskbank Rd., Dalkeith.
Save the date – Sunday 19th February, 10.00am – 1.30pm. Venue Morrison’s foyer, Eskbank Rd, Dalkeith. (The date has always been correct but please note the correction of the day of the week from Saturday to Sunday. Apologies for any confusion.)
February meeting.
The February meeting of Dalkeith & District Community Council will take place on Tuesday, Feb 14th at 7.00pm in Dalkeith Library. High on the agenda will be a consideration of the proposed cuts to the Midlothian Council budget and their implications for our community, in advance of the full Council meeting the following week. This meeting is also the AGM of DDCC.
All Community Council meetings are public meetings and all residents in the Dalkeith area are welcome to attend and contribute if they wish..
December meeting – CHANGE OF VENUE
In light of the current adverse weather conditions, the meeting on Tuesday December 13th will now take place online and not in Dalkeith Library as previously notified. The meeting is still open to all residents and anyone wanting the log in details are asked to email, including your address, and you will be sent details of how to join the meeting.