Bellway Housing Planning Application (18/00678/MSC).
Dalkeith & District Community Council have received a number of complaints about the above planning application. Mainly:
-A plea to identify an alternative access to the building site for construction traffic.
-The lack of a second entrance to the estate.
-The lack of infrastructure: public transport, schools, etc.
The window for making objections is now closed but you can see those that have been submitted on the Midlothian Planning web site – do the following:
– Go to
– Click on Planning Applications
– Search Planning Applications
– In search box input 18/00678/MSC
Go to ‘Documents’ to see all the papers relating to this application
New Developments. Community Councillors have been looking at the siting and proposed access arrangements for the further residential developments to the South East of the town. Concern has been raised as it would seem that all the building site traffic will have to go through the existing residential area which is already restricted with residents cars as parking provision is not conducive to the contemporary parking needs of multi car families with a resulting congestion and significant narrowing of the road. Community Councillors are engaging with planners to look at the possibilities of alternative access roads during construction. We would encourage local residents (particularly in Easter Langside Avenue and Drive) to review the planning application reference number 14/00444/PPP (opens in a new window) and look out for the next phase called “Matters Specified in Conditions” (MSC) where detailed proposals of the development are submitted.
The Community Councillors are also pressing for bus services to be introduced into the estate.